Where do I start? So much to put down, and at the same time that’s kinda the point. I’ve lived a pretty incredible life in only 35 years. There really isn’t much I regret through it all. Learning from so-called ‘mistakes’ has always made me the man I am today. At the moment, I have a wonderful wife, 3 bright kids, and my health. I am truly blessed beyond measure.
On top of what’s most precious to me, my family, is all the other stuff. First, let me define ‘stuff’. Stuff is all those other things that you tend to acquire over the years that, in themselves are harmless, but we become attached to them. We spend so much time and money and even emotional energy on these things. We put our stuff in nice cases, build shelves for it, hang it in walk-in closets, and then when we’re tired of it, box it up and put it in the garage or attic. Once the attic is full, you rent out a storage unit and pay a monthly fee to store the stuff, or you build a shed in the backyard or buy a shipping container to continue on the process. Stuff is a lot of work, especially when you account for moths, mice, and high humidity.
Every time we move we go through stuff. We sell some, give away some, and throw away some. In time, we start to fill back up. Personally, I start to get in a funk when things are cluttered. I can’t concentrate. I’m not motivated. I’m not happy.
All of this to say, we’re down-sizing. We are getting rid of stuff. How much stuff? My estimate is about 94%. That’s a lot of stuff, and if you need some of it, let us know. We won’t need most of this stuff, because we are also selling our house. That’s right, the farm is going on the market as well. So if you or someone you know needs a 10 acre homestead, we might have the right setup.
“What’s the deal?!” Well, a lot actually. For the last year or so my wife and I have been talking, and dreaming. (Dangerous combo) We love our house, we love where we live, and it’s home. I also have a great job. I travel internationally sharing laughs and and a message of God’s love to families. I’ve been doing this for over 12 years now, and I have no desire to stop anytime soon. However it keeps me on the road over 200 days a year. We do spend much time together as a family though. We homeschool, and we travel together as we can, but we deal with it.
The hardest part for me is to keep up with my house on my ‘off’ days. It’s either I have the time or money to do a project, but never both at the same time! If you own a home, you know what I’m talking about. It just never seems to stop. So, I’m only home maybe half the year and working on it, either repairs or improvements, and I don’t feel like I enjoy it as much. “So what’s the plan?”, you ask…
Sell our stuff, sell our house, and go mobile! Sounds so simple, doesn't it? Well before you think this all sounds too radical, it seems to make nothing but sense to us. Here’s why:
My Job is global. I can base out of pretty much anywhere and fly whenever it’s more convenient than driving.
My family loves to travel. This is all they have ever known, and they want to see more and more. The kids are 6, 9, and 12 so whatever we see now they’re going to remember.
We already home-school. We have been for the last 5 years, and love it.
No Mortgage. Living mobile isn’t free by any means, but I’m tired of the mortgage and the upkeep. There’s only 25 more years till payoff…”only.” As much as we love this house, we all agree we don’t have to have it.
We can always come back. That’s right. We can always come back home, buy another house and more stuff. That’s not hard at all.
Most American-Dreams follow the ‘work and pay off your house THEN travel without kids.’ We are choosing the ‘travel NOW with the kids while we have a great opportunity and pay cash for a house later if we really want one.’ At least that’s the idea ;)
As of now, the plan is to buy an RV fit for the full-timing lifestyle of a family and base out of one place for 6 months out of the year. I can fly in and out like I do now and save money by staying put. The other 6 months we travel, wherever we want. We can work gigs in and out as we need to, but no pressure.
We have a lot of friends and family, and it’s hard to go let everyone know what’s going on. So here it is, in a blog.
Right now we are heading into Summer, and it’s nothing but camps until mid-August. So for now, we are slowly down-sizing. We will be advertising stuff to sell on Facebook, so stay tuned! This Fall we will be getting the house ready to sell. Once the house sells, we’ll see what happens, but the NEW Coast-Family Adventure begins! And that’s all that matters. YOLO, baby!
My K@otik Life
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
3 Fun Ways to Deal with Difficult People
No matter how hard I try to avoid difficult people, they always seem to find me eventually. These are three of my favorite techniques that I employ when dealing with difficult people.
This action right here confuses the heck out people! It signals you agree with them and love what they have to say. This is what difficult people want anyways. Just give it to them. The quicker they believe you agree with them, the quicker they will move on...to someone else!
Whenever someone approaches you rudely or in a threatening manner, stare at their forehead. Where exactly? Find right in between their eyes, then go about an inch up. Focus on this spot and just stare. You can nod your head, blink your eyes sporadically, or lick your lips. They should move on rather quickly.
When someone is rattling on about something, usually gossip, and you don't want to hear it, use this technique. Let them ramble for a while and when it's your turn to speak bring up some random story that has absolutely nothing to do with what they are talking about. They will try to bring back their story, but interrupt and keep insisting that somehow your story ties into theirs. They will get frustrated and move on.
(***This one takes some initial thought beforehand. Make up some fantastical story in your head. Become familiar with it and believe it yourself!)
WARNING!!! Using these techniques may label you as CRAZY. However, crazy people generally live happier more satisfying lives.
Learn more about Keith at keithcoast.com

Whenever someone approaches you rudely or in a threatening manner, stare at their forehead. Where exactly? Find right in between their eyes, then go about an inch up. Focus on this spot and just stare. You can nod your head, blink your eyes sporadically, or lick your lips. They should move on rather quickly.
When someone is rattling on about something, usually gossip, and you don't want to hear it, use this technique. Let them ramble for a while and when it's your turn to speak bring up some random story that has absolutely nothing to do with what they are talking about. They will try to bring back their story, but interrupt and keep insisting that somehow your story ties into theirs. They will get frustrated and move on.
(***This one takes some initial thought beforehand. Make up some fantastical story in your head. Become familiar with it and believe it yourself!)
WARNING!!! Using these techniques may label you as CRAZY. However, crazy people generally live happier more satisfying lives.
Learn more about Keith at keithcoast.com
Monday, February 18, 2013
My Personal Fathering Tips Revealed
My wife likes to remind me that when I watch the kids, it's not called 'baby-sitting', it's called "FATHERING". I have been a Dad now for over 11 years. I love my kids more than most things, but there are days it can suck your soul right out of your nose-holes. If you are a dad, or about to be, this is for you. I have put my together my personal fathering tips just for you...
I also let the wildlife know 'This land is MY land, this land ain't your land, I got a shotgun and you ain't got one..." Animals, like children respect boundaries, but they have to be defined. I live in the country, so marking territory is not a big deal. For you city-dwellers, it can be more difficult. Use your imagination...or an old water bottle.
Instill in your kids the self-respect of hard work. Have them unload the dishwasher, and if they complain, do it the Old-fashioned way! Mow the lawn, dig a hole, pour a driveway, lay tile, butcher a chicken...get creative! You won't have this Free-labor Force forever (about 18 years...wait, the average is now 27 years...my bad)
My kids used complain about what we had for dinner. So I would let them help make it. Wash the squash, crack an egg, whatever. Then if they complained, I'd say "well you made it." Funny how the tables turn. They started helping more, and took pride in helping. Let them do more, and teach them to do it right.
Remind your kids how rough you had it. As their father, it's your duty to remind them how soft this generation has become. Tell them stories of riding in the back-dash...legally. Tell them about rabbit-ear antennas. Tell them about your old pager and searching for a payphone. Tell them!
You want respect in your house? Do want to be revered as 'The Great One?' Do you want legends to be told of your kind deeds to future generations? Then make your children bacon. Bacon is the ingredient to a great marriage and successful fatherhood. If you are thinking turkey bacon, YOU ARE DEAD TO ME. That's not even real.
Thick-sliced and smoked. If I teach you nothing, learn this: DO NOT SKIMP ON BACON. Your children will love you and respect you if you cook them the pig-candy. They will defend your honor and look into your soul with teary-eyes of joy when you make them bacon.
I hope these help you out. I would love to hear some of your dad-tips as well. I'm always adding to my arsenal!
New 'Time-Out Cages' |
Noise-Canceling Headphones
These are a MUST-HAVE for any dad. I'll admit, when I saw these first come on the market, I thought they were just a bunch of hype. After traveling over 200 days a year, I decided to give them a try...WOW. If they can block out screaming toddlers on a 747 in flight, why not at home? I remember how deaf my Grandpa was, but I now realize something: he wasn't deaf... he was just ignoring everyone! My great-grandmother also used this tactic. You would have to scream in her face to tell her dinner was ready, but whisper the words "nursing home" 3 rooms away and she'd say "I heard that!" Noise-canceling headphones are great for blocking out that precious kid-static that can drive you insane. In fact, I'm wearing them as I write. It's a motivating musical sanctuary wherever I go. You can save the hard-of-hearing routine for later.Dedicated Man Space
Man Caves are all the rage now. Manly. Sophisticated. Pricey. They don't have to be though. You just need a place to retreat and recharge your manliness. After a long day of fathering, you need to reflect and make a game-plan for the next day. I have used all sorts of places:![]() |
Use a sign like this one to keep out unwanted guests |
- Garage...standard go-to for every man. Surrounded by tools and oil slicks. Enjoy.
- Shed...just add a stool, and use the lawnmower as your coffee table.
- Attic...this is what I currently employ as man-space. (I share with the cats...man-cats only)
- Large Closet...this worked great, until my wife overtook it. Now, I'm in the attic.
- Burn Pit...burning trash is not only convenient, it's inspiring and metaphoric.
- Truck...just sitting in my truck can sometimes provide solace. (Prius won't work...TRUCK)
Establish Your Territory
I have my seat at the dinner table. It's mine. You cannot sit there. Ever. Why? It's in the perfect defensible position: you can see all doorways, monitor the driveway, and closest to the gun. (I have all my military and law enforcement family and friends to thank for this paranoia) It's not only a defense tactic, it teaches my kids that this is my 'Throne away from Throne'. If I'm not in the bathroom, this is where I'm sitting. Kids need constants, routines, and structure. Whenever guest come over, my kids inform the UN-informed "That's dad's seat." Usually awkwardness follows, until they move, and balance is restored to the universe.I also let the wildlife know 'This land is MY land, this land ain't your land, I got a shotgun and you ain't got one..." Animals, like children respect boundaries, but they have to be defined. I live in the country, so marking territory is not a big deal. For you city-dwellers, it can be more difficult. Use your imagination...or an old water bottle.
Lead By Example
Your kids will copy you, like it or not. You are the greatest teacher they will ever have. (2nd greatest if you count your wife) They will say what you say and do what you do, so be careful. I try to make conscience efforts to inspire greatest in my kids, like:![]() | |
Eat Vegetables and so will your kids...maybe |
- Sharing the remote...when I'm done watching TV
- Eating vegetables
- Keeping a job...for more than 3 weeks
- How to blow their nose, without a tissue...invaluable
- We are NOT lost...we are just taking the scenic route
Put Those Kids To Work
If there is one thing my dad taught me, it was how to work hard. That is the one big thing I want to teach my kids: to work hard and take pride in your work. It's something we all see in this new generation of slackers that is making our coffee and flipping our burgers...ungratefulness. I don't want to sound like a grumpy old man, but when I see a person slacking off at their job, it drives me INSANE!Instill in your kids the self-respect of hard work. Have them unload the dishwasher, and if they complain, do it the Old-fashioned way! Mow the lawn, dig a hole, pour a driveway, lay tile, butcher a chicken...get creative! You won't have this Free-labor Force forever (about 18 years...wait, the average is now 27 years...my bad)
My kids used complain about what we had for dinner. So I would let them help make it. Wash the squash, crack an egg, whatever. Then if they complained, I'd say "well you made it." Funny how the tables turn. They started helping more, and took pride in helping. Let them do more, and teach them to do it right.
"When I was a kid..." Stories
Remember these? Of course you do! Everyone does. These are not only great to reminisce about, but to teach these kids about the good ole' days. My dad grew up without indoor plumbing, an outhouse, and canning their food...because they HAD too. I grew up without a cellphone, internet, and smoking-sections in restaurants! My kids complain about driving to Dallas at 75 mph while playing Angry Birds. Try 55 mph and car-window surfing with your hand for a good time. Remember playing jump rope with the phone cord while your mom was trying to talk?Remind your kids how rough you had it. As their father, it's your duty to remind them how soft this generation has become. Tell them stories of riding in the back-dash...legally. Tell them about rabbit-ear antennas. Tell them about your old pager and searching for a payphone. Tell them!
Make Them Bacon

Thick-sliced and smoked. If I teach you nothing, learn this: DO NOT SKIMP ON BACON. Your children will love you and respect you if you cook them the pig-candy. They will defend your honor and look into your soul with teary-eyes of joy when you make them bacon.
I hope these help you out. I would love to hear some of your dad-tips as well. I'm always adding to my arsenal!
Monday, February 11, 2013
7 Low-Carb Snacks That Saved My Life
It's been almost a year and a half now since I started my weight-loss adventure. So far I have lost over 50 pounds and maintained it for the last 6 months. (For all those trolls who said I'd gain it back, "IN YO' FACE, PUNK!") Since I started, I have had more people ask me how I did it. There are several factors that made a difference, but today I want to give you one of my secret weapons:
The hardest part of the low-carb diet for me was learning what I could eat. It's easy to focus on what you CAN'T have. The grass is always greener no matter what side you are on! You have to re-train your brain on what you can have. So I have put together a list of low-carb snacks to help you in between meals. If you keep eating small amounts all day you are less likely to fall off that wagon. These snacks saved my life, because they ultimately help me shed over 50 lbs.
*Cottonseed Oil...AVOID IF POSSIBLE... A lot of things are cooked using it, but you should try to avoid it if you can. Why? Cotton is one of the crops that gets more pesticides than most other crops.
Keith's Holy Guacamole
Pork-Rind Nachos
Well, there you have it. Seven of my all-time favorite low-carb snacks. If it weren't for snacking, I would have never made it. As word of encouragement, I want you to keep on the path of healthier eating. Your taste buds do change over time, and so will your cravings. Also, plan ahead by packing a lunch bag, cooler, or that fridge at work. When I travel on the road, especially during summer camps, I bring a Coleman Ice-less Cooler. It's a mini-fridge that plugs in the wall or your car! No matter where I go, I always have something GOOD to snack on.
I'm not a doctor or a trained health professional. I'm just a guy who woke up one day and realized I needed to start working on a healthier life-style. I blame myself for Hostess going bankrupt. When I gave up Twinkies, they went extinct. I have lost over 50 lbs to date, and maintained it for the last 6 months. If I can do it, you can do it!
The hardest part of the low-carb diet for me was learning what I could eat. It's easy to focus on what you CAN'T have. The grass is always greener no matter what side you are on! You have to re-train your brain on what you can have. So I have put together a list of low-carb snacks to help you in between meals. If you keep eating small amounts all day you are less likely to fall off that wagon. These snacks saved my life, because they ultimately help me shed over 50 lbs.
These are your new best friends. Get to know them: Sunflower Seeds, Walnuts, Pistachios, Pumpkin Seeds, Almonds, Peanuts...there are too many too list! They are a good source of protein and lower in carbs than most options. Look out for certain flavorings like 'Honey Roasted' that are coated with sugar. Get used to reading labels. I like raw or roasted personally, but find something you like. Try something you haven't tried, you might be surprised. The greatest part of these guys is they are portable. I keep a bag of seeds and nuts in my backpack, van, and truck. So when I get the munchies, I pop a few handfuls of these and keep going. Try Cocoa Roast Almonds and Cinnamon Roast Almonds! These are incredible.*Cottonseed Oil...AVOID IF POSSIBLE... A lot of things are cooked using it, but you should try to avoid it if you can. Why? Cotton is one of the crops that gets more pesticides than most other crops.
When you hear 'pickle' we always think of cucumbers, but there are a bunch of pickled goodies out there! Try some of these variations:- Pickled Okra, one of my faves.
- Pickled Eggs. This didn't even sound good, till I tried it! Quail eggs are bite-sized.
- Pickled Pigs Feet. I'm not huge fan, BUT I TRIED IT! Surprising hot-wing flavor.
Avocado. Some like it, some don't. If you do, make a guacamole dip! Use pork rinds, carrots, bell peppers, or celery as your mode of transportation.Keith's Holy Guacamole
- One avocado. Open up and remove the green goodness. Mash with fork.
- Add cilantro, salt, and pepper to desired taste. (add hot sauce if you like)
- Squeeze some fresh lime on top. Enjoy :)
This is a GREAT alternative to the sugary peanut butter. (Of course, they add sugar to everything, so check!) I take about 2 heaping tablespoons and put in a small bowl. Then I take celery, sweet peppers, or carrots to dip. Depending on your phase of low-carb diet you can also use fruit. I love to put this stuff in my whole-milk yogurt, and dip with strawberries. My wife loves to dip those cocoa roast almonds in it. Get creative!5) SPICY CREAM CHEESE
This is so easy, it will make you laugh manically all the way to the fridge. Take cream cheese, say...half a block, put it in a bowl and douse it with Frank's Red Hot Sauce. BOOM! Done. Now use pork rinds to get it in yo' mouth. My kids LOVE this.6) PORK-RIND NACHOS
You have probably noticed I use a lot of pork rinds. Yes, I do. When you give up chips you have to get creative. I use veggie sticks a lot more now, but every now and then I get a hankering for nachos. This can be a snack or a meal. The family is a big fan of this low-carb variation:Pork-Rind Nachos
- Brown up 1/2 lbs ground beef (You can use any meat you like)
- Shred some Cheddar cheese
- Preheat oven to 425F
- Take a cookie sheet or large pan and cover with pork-rinds.
- Once you have cooked and drained your beef, sprinkle it on top of rinds, then sprinkle on cheese.
- Now, place in the oven for JUST A FEW MINUTES! You just want to melt the cheese.
- Take out, and enjoy! You can garnish with onions, sour cream, hot sauce...even bacon.
If you know me well, then you know about my love affair with bacon. It's no secret. The main reason I was able to stay on this low-carb diet was because of bacon. It's one of Man's greatest discoveries. As for a snack, nothing better than a slice of thick-cut bacon and a piece of cheese. Bacon and a hard-boiled egg is hard to beat. But bacon dipped in melted dark chocolate, divine.Well, there you have it. Seven of my all-time favorite low-carb snacks. If it weren't for snacking, I would have never made it. As word of encouragement, I want you to keep on the path of healthier eating. Your taste buds do change over time, and so will your cravings. Also, plan ahead by packing a lunch bag, cooler, or that fridge at work. When I travel on the road, especially during summer camps, I bring a Coleman Ice-less Cooler. It's a mini-fridge that plugs in the wall or your car! No matter where I go, I always have something GOOD to snack on.
I'm not a doctor or a trained health professional. I'm just a guy who woke up one day and realized I needed to start working on a healthier life-style. I blame myself for Hostess going bankrupt. When I gave up Twinkies, they went extinct. I have lost over 50 lbs to date, and maintained it for the last 6 months. If I can do it, you can do it!
What are some of your favorite low-carb snacks?
Post in the comments below...
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Keith Coast Presents: 10 Ways to $ave Money
In an effort to help people during this tough economy, I have put together my very own personal Ten Ways to $ave Money. These are all things that I do or have done, and they work. These are proven ways to keep your cost down and stretch those dollars! Are you ready to start $aving? Here we go...
10) Cut Your Own Hair
9) Stop Shaving
Why do we shave? Seriously. If we weren't supposed to have hair there, why do we shave it? You can start saving by not shaving. Razors, shave cream, aftershave, moisturizer...think of all the expense involved. Grow a face-sweater, or a lip-warmer...it's a conversation piece! Ladies, I know what you're thinking, but this is a GUYS TIP ONLY.
8) Re-Gifting
This is so easy. Next time you go to visit friends or family, take something from their house: ie- picture, vase, dvd, or a knick-knack of some sort. Try your best to smuggle it out without getting caught. (Wear loose-fitted clothing or bring a backpack) Then, on their birthday or Christmas, wrap it up and give it back to them! Most times people don't even remember all the junk they have. They will love it, because it will match their decor. Everyone wins. (Note: After a while you may get quite a collection going. Be sure to gift the right thing to the right person!)
7) Pick up Loose Change
I see this all the time: people walking over loose change! C'mon, it's FREE money! Who cares if it's only one cent, it's still money, and after a while it all adds up. After you train your eyes to scan the ground, you will find more and more. I found $600 this summer at church camp just laying on the ground in $100 bills...TRUE STORY! Of course, I turned it in to the office and found it's rightful owner. They bought me some Starbucks as a reward. Win win.
6) Find it at 'Lost and Found'
I live at children camps all summer long. At the end of the week, there is a HUGE pile of left-behind treasures. Everything from bibles, jackets, flashlights, hats...even DVD's of my show that I sold to some kid! I have at least a dozen of those NICE $15 Camelback water bottles they were just going to throw away. My friend Ronnie, who works at a camp, always jokes he has NEVER had to buy a towel. If that lost item doesn't have a home, think about adoption.
5) Use the Library
Remember that building downtown that has FREE books you can borrow? It's called the LIBRARY. It may have been years since you went in, but it's most likely still there. Most of them are free. Why do you need to buy books if you can just borrow them...for FREE?! If it's the Dewey Decimal System that intimidates you, ask one of the librarians to help you. Don't be shy, they love to help. It's called: Job Security. It's their duty to find that book for you. If you feel embarrassed, put on a hat, sunglasses, and use a European accent...easy. And if they don't have the book you are looking for, ASK FOR IT. Many libraries will order your book and notify you when it comes in. So before you Barnes and Noble, check that House of Books down the street.
4) How to Make Cheapaccino
Keith's Famous Cheapaccino:
- Order a Tall coffee, but ask for it in a Grande cup.
- Take this hot cup of Joe over to 'Condiment Island' and get ready to work your magic.
- Fill it up with as much milk or Half&Half as you like, cause it's FREE!
- Sprinkle on Nutmeg, Cinnamon, Chocolate, or Vanilla. There's also sweeteners of all kinds.
- Enjoy your Cheapaccino, knowing you only paid about $2 for this little beauty.
3) Run in a Rough Neighborhood
You don't need a treadmill, personal trainer, or gym membership! Those cost way too much, and chances are you will use them twice and that's it. I use to live in rough neighborhoods back in the day. People were running all the time...for different reasons of course. In a rough neighborhood, running is essential for staying alive. You don't stop to talk. You don't look at transactions going down. You just keep running! The one thing you really have to look out for is D-O-G-S. In the hood, dogs are security systems, and they are always looking for a new chew toy.
I'll never forget the day I was running with my dog Harley. We were passing this house that had the meanest Chow Chow I had ever seen. They didn't have a fence. They didn't keep it on a chain, BUT ON A ROPE. Guess what happened one day...yeah, the rope snapped! The rope snapped, and Satan himself was on our tail. Harley and I looked at each other, and I said, "You're on your own, boy!" I ran so fast that day, I didn't have to work out for 3 months. Best of all, that experience was FREE.
2) Schedule Visits Around Dinner-Time
Visiting friends and family unexpectedly is always a great fun. You can even save big bucks eating out if you play your cards right. Here's what to do:
- Check Facebook to see who's having 'what' for dinner. Make your selection from here.
- About 5 o'clock, show up and be like, "Hey, guys! We were just in the neighborhood..."
- They will invite you in. Most likely they will be preparing dinner.
- Catch up on life, and bring up great memories. This establishes an emotional bond.
- Comment on how lovely dinner smells.
- Next, if they are true friends, they will ask you stay and eat.
- PLAY IT COOL. First politely decline, and say "Oh, we don't want to intrude..."
- If they insist, say "Are you sure? I mean we don't want to take away from your family time."
- If you feel things are good, be like "Well, I guess. If you are sure..." TRY NOT TO SMILE, cause you just succeeded! Enjoy dinner, and at least help with the dishes.
- In the event they DO NOT ask you to stay, de-friend them on ALL social media. They are dead to you.
1) Stay Married
I always tell my kids they never have to worry about us getting divorced. Why? Simple: it's too expensive! Child-support, alimony,...it's ridiculous. The best thing to do is also the cheapest thing to do. Stay together. If nothing else, go to counseling and get some help. Whatever you spend there will save you THOUSANDS in the long run. Stay married, and keep saving, together!
Thursday, January 31, 2013
I Like Big Dreams and I Cannot Lie
I had encouraging parents, teachers who cared, and mentors who invested in me. I have never been afraid to dream big dreams. I mean, why not? They are just dreams, right? It can't hurt to dream.
It's easy for us adults to get caught up in life and forget to dream. I mean, we have bills to pay, kids to raise, and retirement to plan for. Busy busy busy. Maybe you are at work right now and you are dreaming. Or maybe you don't want to dream because it depresses you due to the fact you know it will never happen.
I love my job. I travel around the world, entertaining kids and encouraging them with a positive message. It may be introducing them to a Bible story, the Gospel, or just reminding them that they can be anything they want to be. And for the last 11 years, this has been my journey. I wait for phone calls or emails to come in (kind of like The A-Team, or the Fantastic Four) and go wherever I need to go. I'm not going to lie, it's awesome! But like every other J-O-B, it has it's challenges.
Never sure of where I'm going or what exactly I'm doing is a daily challenge. I've been doing it so long now, to work for someone else or take a steady check seems scarier! God has a plan though, or at least I believe He does. My "job" or ministry has been evolving for over a decade. I don't set goals. I don't have a mission statement. I never needed one. I just dream up ways to teach kids and have fun while I do it. My style is "If it's worth doing, it's worth over-doing!" That's how I roll. I want to leave an impression that lasts a lifetime.
Believe me, there are days I quit. It's hard to quit when you are self-employed though. It was 11 years when I felt The Spirit of the Lord say "I want you to go into traveling ministry." That's when I resigned my Full-Time position as Children/Youth Pastor. (maybe one day I will blog more about this) That was the last steady paycheck I ever received. I have been floating ever since.
I have always prayed that the Lord would continue to show me what to do, what step to take, which direction to turn. Now I feel something different has happened...
I have been given permission to dream!
Not like before, this is different. It's like the last 11 years have been training. An introduction to the world. My eyes have been opened to the possibilities on a global scale. As much as I feel I have been blessed, even more is coming, but not just for me. I'm creating a team.
I realize that one man can only do so much. Blame comic books if you like, I do. I love Spiderman and Batman, my two faves, but they are solo acts. Then you have the Fantastic Four, X-Men, Avengers, The Justice League. They realized the powers of many are greater when combined. And that's where I'm at. I'm dreaming B-I-G.
I want to build a team of people who share a similar vision. That believes that Good may not always win, but it will prevail. I'm taking entertainment and encouraging kids beyond a 'one-man-band'. I want to make life exciting, and help those in need.
I want a Batmobile, a light-saber, and a hover board. NOW! (Somebody reading this just got goosebumps...I know I'm not the only one out there.) I also want a car that talks to me and drives itself. I want a R2 unit for school shows and drive up in Optimus Prime. I want to fly to Singapore for lunch, and have dinner in Iceland. I want a team of people to go with me. I'm tired of climbing the mountain alone. This is where I'm going.
Now, some readers may have stopped at 'hover board', but some of you are still reading, and you want in. Well guess what: Things are happening. Wonderful things. Unclear things. Super Things. Things I have dreamed of. I have been praying for "SOMEONE" to help me, come on board the SS Kaotik and set sail. And it will. Soon...
But, my dear, reader: What are you dreaming of? Are you dreaming, or just thinking about dreaming? I love the old saying,
It's easy for us adults to get caught up in life and forget to dream. I mean, we have bills to pay, kids to raise, and retirement to plan for. Busy busy busy. Maybe you are at work right now and you are dreaming. Or maybe you don't want to dream because it depresses you due to the fact you know it will never happen.
I love my job. I travel around the world, entertaining kids and encouraging them with a positive message. It may be introducing them to a Bible story, the Gospel, or just reminding them that they can be anything they want to be. And for the last 11 years, this has been my journey. I wait for phone calls or emails to come in (kind of like The A-Team, or the Fantastic Four) and go wherever I need to go. I'm not going to lie, it's awesome! But like every other J-O-B, it has it's challenges.
Never sure of where I'm going or what exactly I'm doing is a daily challenge. I've been doing it so long now, to work for someone else or take a steady check seems scarier! God has a plan though, or at least I believe He does. My "job" or ministry has been evolving for over a decade. I don't set goals. I don't have a mission statement. I never needed one. I just dream up ways to teach kids and have fun while I do it. My style is "If it's worth doing, it's worth over-doing!" That's how I roll. I want to leave an impression that lasts a lifetime.
Believe me, there are days I quit. It's hard to quit when you are self-employed though. It was 11 years when I felt The Spirit of the Lord say "I want you to go into traveling ministry." That's when I resigned my Full-Time position as Children/Youth Pastor. (maybe one day I will blog more about this) That was the last steady paycheck I ever received. I have been floating ever since.
I have always prayed that the Lord would continue to show me what to do, what step to take, which direction to turn. Now I feel something different has happened...
I have been given permission to dream!
Not like before, this is different. It's like the last 11 years have been training. An introduction to the world. My eyes have been opened to the possibilities on a global scale. As much as I feel I have been blessed, even more is coming, but not just for me. I'm creating a team.
I realize that one man can only do so much. Blame comic books if you like, I do. I love Spiderman and Batman, my two faves, but they are solo acts. Then you have the Fantastic Four, X-Men, Avengers, The Justice League. They realized the powers of many are greater when combined. And that's where I'm at. I'm dreaming B-I-G.
I want to build a team of people who share a similar vision. That believes that Good may not always win, but it will prevail. I'm taking entertainment and encouraging kids beyond a 'one-man-band'. I want to make life exciting, and help those in need.
I want a Batmobile, a light-saber, and a hover board. NOW! (Somebody reading this just got goosebumps...I know I'm not the only one out there.) I also want a car that talks to me and drives itself. I want a R2 unit for school shows and drive up in Optimus Prime. I want to fly to Singapore for lunch, and have dinner in Iceland. I want a team of people to go with me. I'm tired of climbing the mountain alone. This is where I'm going.
Now, some readers may have stopped at 'hover board', but some of you are still reading, and you want in. Well guess what: Things are happening. Wonderful things. Unclear things. Super Things. Things I have dreamed of. I have been praying for "SOMEONE" to help me, come on board the SS Kaotik and set sail. And it will. Soon...
But, my dear, reader: What are you dreaming of? Are you dreaming, or just thinking about dreaming? I love the old saying,
"Shoot for the moon and you will end up with the stars."
I dream big, all the time. I like big dreams and I cannot lie (sorry)...I had to :)=
Remember this:
"If you don't work to make your dream happen, you will work for someone else to make theirs."
The best dreams are not while you are sleeping, but when you are awake. So please, share your dreams with me. Or if you would like to help me bring light-sabers into reality...
Friday, January 25, 2013
How I just won $370,000...and you can too!
I got a call from Jamaica early this morning, from the number 876-438-7756. The island man with a thick accent sounded nice enough. Plus I knew he was really Jamaican because I have seen 'Cool Runnings' twice, so I know.
He told me he was with Publisher's Clearing House and I just won $370,000.00! I knew it was a scam from the first moment, but decided to play along. He told me get a pencil and clean sheet of paper...I told him all I had was a pen and some scrap paper, he said it would work. Then rattles off a tracking #, then gave me a LUCKY #. Then he gave me a phone number to call, which the same number that called me, 876-438-7756! I asked him his name, he said "Mr. Thomas White". I told him it sounded like a scam, and then he yelled at me to get off HIS phone, then he hung up. Thanks, Jamaican my day so much betta, Mon!
Did some research and this is a full-blown con. Don't call them back, and don't send them any money. If you would like to make more money than you ever dreamed of, send $1.00 to me, and I will send you a Post-It note with one of the world's greatest financial secrets ;)
He told me he was with Publisher's Clearing House and I just won $370,000.00! I knew it was a scam from the first moment, but decided to play along. He told me get a pencil and clean sheet of paper...I told him all I had was a pen and some scrap paper, he said it would work. Then rattles off a tracking #, then gave me a LUCKY #. Then he gave me a phone number to call, which the same number that called me, 876-438-7756! I asked him his name, he said "Mr. Thomas White". I told him it sounded like a scam, and then he yelled at me to get off HIS phone, then he hung up. Thanks, Jamaican my day so much betta, Mon!
Did some research and this is a full-blown con. Don't call them back, and don't send them any money. If you would like to make more money than you ever dreamed of, send $1.00 to me, and I will send you a Post-It note with one of the world's greatest financial secrets ;)
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