It's easy for us adults to get caught up in life and forget to dream. I mean, we have bills to pay, kids to raise, and retirement to plan for. Busy busy busy. Maybe you are at work right now and you are dreaming. Or maybe you don't want to dream because it depresses you due to the fact you know it will never happen.
I love my job. I travel around the world, entertaining kids and encouraging them with a positive message. It may be introducing them to a Bible story, the Gospel, or just reminding them that they can be anything they want to be. And for the last 11 years, this has been my journey. I wait for phone calls or emails to come in (kind of like The A-Team, or the Fantastic Four) and go wherever I need to go. I'm not going to lie, it's awesome! But like every other J-O-B, it has it's challenges.
Never sure of where I'm going or what exactly I'm doing is a daily challenge. I've been doing it so long now, to work for someone else or take a steady check seems scarier! God has a plan though, or at least I believe He does. My "job" or ministry has been evolving for over a decade. I don't set goals. I don't have a mission statement. I never needed one. I just dream up ways to teach kids and have fun while I do it. My style is "If it's worth doing, it's worth over-doing!" That's how I roll. I want to leave an impression that lasts a lifetime.
Believe me, there are days I quit. It's hard to quit when you are self-employed though. It was 11 years when I felt The Spirit of the Lord say "I want you to go into traveling ministry." That's when I resigned my Full-Time position as Children/Youth Pastor. (maybe one day I will blog more about this) That was the last steady paycheck I ever received. I have been floating ever since.
I have always prayed that the Lord would continue to show me what to do, what step to take, which direction to turn. Now I feel something different has happened...
I have been given permission to dream!
Not like before, this is different. It's like the last 11 years have been training. An introduction to the world. My eyes have been opened to the possibilities on a global scale. As much as I feel I have been blessed, even more is coming, but not just for me. I'm creating a team.
I realize that one man can only do so much. Blame comic books if you like, I do. I love Spiderman and Batman, my two faves, but they are solo acts. Then you have the Fantastic Four, X-Men, Avengers, The Justice League. They realized the powers of many are greater when combined. And that's where I'm at. I'm dreaming B-I-G.
I want to build a team of people who share a similar vision. That believes that Good may not always win, but it will prevail. I'm taking entertainment and encouraging kids beyond a 'one-man-band'. I want to make life exciting, and help those in need.
I want a Batmobile, a light-saber, and a hover board. NOW! (Somebody reading this just got goosebumps...I know I'm not the only one out there.) I also want a car that talks to me and drives itself. I want a R2 unit for school shows and drive up in Optimus Prime. I want to fly to Singapore for lunch, and have dinner in Iceland. I want a team of people to go with me. I'm tired of climbing the mountain alone. This is where I'm going.
Now, some readers may have stopped at 'hover board', but some of you are still reading, and you want in. Well guess what: Things are happening. Wonderful things. Unclear things. Super Things. Things I have dreamed of. I have been praying for "SOMEONE" to help me, come on board the SS Kaotik and set sail. And it will. Soon...
But, my dear, reader: What are you dreaming of? Are you dreaming, or just thinking about dreaming? I love the old saying,
"Shoot for the moon and you will end up with the stars."
I dream big, all the time. I like big dreams and I cannot lie (sorry)...I had to :)=
Remember this:
"If you don't work to make your dream happen, you will work for someone else to make theirs."
The best dreams are not while you are sleeping, but when you are awake. So please, share your dreams with me. Or if you would like to help me bring light-sabers into reality...