Monday, February 11, 2013

7 Low-Carb Snacks That Saved My Life

It's been almost a year and a half now since I started my weight-loss adventure.  So far I have lost over 50 pounds and maintained it for the last 6 months.  (For all those trolls who said I'd gain it back, "IN YO' FACE, PUNK!")  Since I started, I have had more people ask me how I did it.  There are several factors that made a difference, but today I want to give you one of my secret weapons:


The hardest part of the low-carb diet for me was learning what I could eat.  It's easy to focus on what you CAN'T have.  The grass is always greener no matter what side you are on!  You have to re-train your brain on what you can have.  So I have put together a list of low-carb snacks to help you in between meals.  If you keep eating small amounts all day you are less likely to fall off that wagon.  These snacks saved my life, because they ultimately help me shed over 50 lbs. 


These are your new best friends.  Get to know them: Sunflower Seeds, Walnuts, Pistachios, Pumpkin Seeds, Almonds, Peanuts...there are too many too list! They are a good source of protein and lower in carbs than most options.  Look out for certain flavorings like 'Honey Roasted' that are coated with sugar.  Get used to reading labels.  I like raw or roasted personally, but find something you like.  Try something you haven't tried, you might be surprised.  The greatest part of these guys is they are portable.  I keep a bag of seeds and nuts in my backpack, van, and truck.  So when I get the munchies, I pop a few handfuls of these and keep going.  Try Cocoa Roast Almonds and Cinnamon Roast Almonds!  These are incredible.

   *Cottonseed Oil...AVOID IF POSSIBLE... A lot of things are cooked using it, but you should try to avoid it if you can.  Why?  Cotton is one of the crops that gets more pesticides than most other crops. 


When you hear 'pickle' we always think of cucumbers, but there are a bunch of pickled goodies out there!  Try some of these variations:
  • Pickled Okra, one of my faves.  
  • Pickled Eggs.  This didn't even sound good, till I tried it!  Quail eggs are bite-sized.  
  • Pickled Pigs Feet.  I'm not huge fan, BUT I TRIED IT!  Surprising hot-wing flavor.


Avocado.  Some like it, some don't. If you do, make a guacamole dip!  Use pork rinds, carrots, bell peppers, or celery as your mode of transportation.
Keith's Holy Guacamole
  • One avocado. Open up and remove the green goodness.  Mash with fork.
  • Add cilantro, salt, and pepper to desired taste. (add hot sauce if you like)
  • Squeeze some fresh lime on top. Enjoy :)


This is a GREAT alternative to the sugary peanut butter.  (Of course, they add sugar to everything, so check!)  I take about 2 heaping tablespoons and put in a small bowl.  Then I take celery, sweet peppers, or carrots to dip.  Depending on your phase of low-carb diet you can also use fruit.  I love to put this stuff in my whole-milk yogurt, and dip with strawberries.  My wife loves to dip those cocoa roast almonds in it.  Get creative!


This is so easy, it will make you laugh manically all the way to the fridge.  Take cream cheese, say...half a block, put it in a bowl and douse it with Frank's Red Hot Sauce.  BOOM! Done.  Now use pork rinds to get it in yo' mouth.  My kids LOVE this.


You have probably noticed I use a lot of pork rinds.  Yes, I do.  When you give up chips you have to get creative.  I use veggie sticks a lot more now, but every now and then I get a hankering for nachos.  This can be a snack or a meal.  The family is a big fan of this low-carb variation:

Pork-Rind Nachos
  • Brown up 1/2 lbs ground beef (You can use any meat you like)
  • Shred some Cheddar cheese
  • Preheat oven to 425F
  • Take a cookie sheet or large pan and cover with pork-rinds.
  • Once you have cooked and drained your beef, sprinkle it on top of rinds, then sprinkle on cheese.
  • Now, place in the oven for JUST A FEW MINUTES!  You just want to melt the cheese.
  • Take out, and enjoy! You can garnish with onions, sour cream, hot sauce...even bacon.


If you know me well, then you know about my love affair with bacon.  It's no secret.  The main reason I was able to stay on this low-carb diet was because of bacon.  It's one of Man's greatest discoveries.  As for a snack, nothing better than a slice of thick-cut bacon and a piece of cheese.  Bacon and a hard-boiled egg is hard to beat.  But bacon dipped in melted dark chocolate, divine.

Well, there you have it.  Seven of my all-time favorite low-carb snacks.  If it weren't for snacking, I would have never made it.  As word of encouragement, I want you to keep on the path of healthier eating.  Your taste buds do change over time, and so will your cravings.  Also, plan ahead by packing a lunch bag, cooler, or that fridge at work.  When I travel on the road, especially during summer camps, I bring a Coleman Ice-less Cooler.  It's a mini-fridge that plugs in the wall or your car!  No matter where I go, I always have something GOOD to snack on.

I'm not a doctor or a trained health professional.  I'm just a guy who woke up one day and realized I needed to start working on a healthier life-style.  I blame myself for Hostess going bankrupt.  When I gave up Twinkies, they went extinct.  I have lost over 50 lbs to date, and maintained it for the last 6 months.  If I can do it, you can do it!

What are some of your favorite low-carb snacks? 

 Post in the comments below... 

1 comment:

  1. A bit of trivia: The Almond is the only nut that is on the mayo clinic's top ten superfoods list. And that is why I try to always have them in the house.


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