Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Espanol: Mi Destino

Yesterday was Monday, 12/5/11.  We had four more shows, and they went really well.  We had a better turnout overall all day long.  The people of Chuloteca are so sweet.  After each show I would do autographs and David was monkey-posing for the camera.  There was always at least one kid that freaked out because of a giant blue gorilla, but he was more of a star than I was at times.  I'm pretty sure we lost 10lbs due to sweat, and our clothes may need to be burnt once we return. 

It's clear to me that I must learn Spanish.  I have to.  It's my destiny.  There are so many ways that it could help.  Not just learning for performance, but I'm a people person.  It stinks when I can't respond back.  It's a weird feeling for an extrovert. 

I already have a basic foundation on the language.  I took two years of Spanish in Jr. High, two in High School, and one semester in college...not to mention a few trips to Mexico.  Then I lived in Baytown for two years!  You would think I should be bi-lingual by now, but I never took it serious.  Sad.  I know enough to be dangerous.  I can navigate myself around the menu, and a few conversational pieces, and say things like "Sal con tus manos arriba!"  (Come out with your hands up!) or "Mi pollo es su pollo"  (My chicken is your chicken).

My Cherokee heritage gives me the "look"...like I should speak Spanish, so I might as well.  Plus I'm thinking retirement.  Don't get me wrong, Faxon, OK is AMAZING, but maybe I could consider Central America?  I could blend in here pretty easily.  My blonde wife and kids on the other hand...might be a little harder for them ;)  This country grows their own coffee, 'nuff said. 

I think I could be happy here.  Of course, I think I could happy anywhere I go.  I'm happy in the Oklahoma countryside with my lovely wife and goober-nugget kids right now.  All of whom I miss very much at the moment.  That's always the hardest part of this vocation.  I will be home soon though.

I think David and I will hit the market and pick up some local flavor to take home.  We will be on the town, with little understanding of the language, and no guns.  Looks like I will have to rely on my Kung Fu, which is probably worse than my Spanish, and our charm.  Maybe I will try out the "Come out with your hands up!" phrase today.  If things do go bad, I think I can out-run David ;)=

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